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~The Elderberries ~
17th August 2021

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The Elderberries visited Insole Court in Llandaff, Cardiff and very much enjoyed looking around the Grade II listed mansion house and gardens.  It is now a registered charity, the Insole Court Trust.

They also visited the first floor where they experienced a permanent heritage exhibition, “This House is a Stage”. This walk-through audio drama brings local history to life, telling the stories of the rise and the fall of the Insole family and their contribution to South Wales’ industrial past.

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~The Elderberries ~
20th July 2021

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There were 8 of us today with Irene on Zoom.  It was very hot, but we decided to put one side of the gazebo down to protect ourselves against the worst of the sum.  The theme of this weeks’ event was Desert Island Disks and each participant brought a CD with them with a favourite track.  We enjoyed a pleasant couple of hours.  It was nice to welcome Lillian and Donna for their first visit. 


We are hoping to expand our numbers, but we know there’s a lot going on for people, with trying to get away, catching up with family and friends and appointments.  Also we needed to have an updated programme and be able to manage our technology.


For some reason our Zoom did not work too well this week but we will continue to maintain a hybrid presence.


This programme may be subject to changes over the next weeks, but we will try to stick with it.  We decided not to have a bus trip just yet and would prefer to move forward in small steps.

 Programme of activities
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~Aeron Aeddfed~
8 Mehefin 2021 

Unwaith eto daeth Irene Burrows i ddiddanu ni. Cawsom gyfle i geisio cân arbennig ymlaen llaw felly cafodd pawb gyfle i ofyn am gân sbesial. Ni fu sôn am Thanks for the memory ond canon ni lu o ganeuon yn cynnwys rhai o’r 60au, Wonderful World, Crazy, Bye, bye, love,Viva Espagna, Songbird ac wrth gwrs Thank you for the music. 

Soniodd Irene am Bonny Tyler, merch o Gastell Nedd hefyd, oedd yn dathlu ei phenblwydd yn 70 oed yn ei chartre ym Mhortiwgal. Canon ni It’s a heartache ond efalle dylen ni fod wedi canu Total eclipse of the heart. 

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~Aeron Aeddfed~
15 Mehefin 2021 
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Picnic ger Llyn Castle View 


Roedd y tywydd yn grasboeth.  Daeth grŵp llai nag arfer ond roedd  hi’n braf gweld dwy aelod fu ar goll yn ystod y pandemig. 

Cwrddodd nifer yng Nghanolfan y Glowyr a cherdded i’r warchodfa natur. 


Roedd Marjorie wedi trefnu cwis blodau gwyllt a daeth â llyfr a siart ac ynghyd â llyfr Gaynor, llwyddon i enwi ugain o flodau ( a gasglwyd yn gyfreithiol ac a osodwyd ar flanced Katherine). 


Roedd y picnic yn eitha syml ond roedd y sgwrsio’n byrlymu.  I orffen arweiniodd Irene dipyn o gydganu. 

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