Mae gennym weledigaeth o le ble gall pobl leol o bob oedran ddod at ei gilydd, teimlo’n rhan o’n cymuned, dysgu gan ei gilydd a dathlu ein treftadaeth arbennig.
Mae arnom eisiau rhoi ‘r Glowyr yn ôl i’r gymuned!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
Cadwch yn ddiogel, cadwch yn iach, cadwch yn hapus.

Mae Bethan wedi bod yn cynnal dosbarthiadau dawns ar lein i’n cadw yn ffit a heini, gallwch weld clip o’r dosbarth dawns diweddaraf ar dudalen Facebook:
"Roedd hi’n wych mynd ar lein gyda merched hyfryd dosbarth Canolfan y Glowyr! Dyma nhw’n gwneud eu Tic Toc cyntaf! Bydd y dosbarthiadau yma’n rhedeg bob wythnos nawr, sgwrs, sesiwn gynhesu ac ychydig o ddawnsio i’n cadw ni i fynd. Os hoffech ymuno, rhowch wybod ." 💃🏼💜

Chair Exercises on Zoom
We've acquired funding from the Sports Lottery which has made it possible for us to offer FREE Chair Exercise Classes to our community! That's brilliant news for the older community who can now get fit from the comfort of their home with the added bonus of socially interacting with others!!
The classes will be held on Zoom every Thursday at 2 pm starting from 18th June with the Centre's teacher Beth Ryland.
We've asked the public to e-mail secretary@caerphillyminerscentre.org.uk so they can request a Zoom link to access the class.

Date: Thurs 18th June
Time: 2 pm
Place: Zoom
Cost: Free!
Our first Chair exercises class started on 18th June and was a great success. Seven people attended which was a good starting point but we're hoping those numbers will increase in time. Great workout and good fun with Beth Ryland!