Mae gennym weledigaeth o le ble gall pobl leol o bob oedran ddod at ei gilydd, teimlo’n rhan o’n cymuned, dysgu gan ei gilydd a dathlu ein treftadaeth arbennig.
Mae arnom eisiau rhoi ‘r Glowyr yn ôl i’r gymuned!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
~The Elderberries ~
23rd February 2021
Hayley Yeoman, our art teacher, gave an art class on Zentangles. We practiced creating a variety of designs and then created a feather. Three members of the Elderberries have gone onto participate in Hayley’s Friday morning ‘Outreach Art Class’.
By Lyn Elliott
~The Elderberries ~
16th February 2021
The Elderberries had been asked to make masks for Mardi Gras. Marion, Sue, Marjorie and Katherine gave short presentations about the celebration of Mardi Gras /Carnival / Shrove Tuesday around the world. We discovered that ‘shrove’ meant the day of confessions before Ash Wednesday and ‘carnival’ came from the Latin ‘carne vale’ – ‘goodbye to meat.’ The Elderberries went to a lot of trouble to produce some extravagant masks, which we enjoyed sharing.
~The Elderberries ~
9th February 2021
Irene Burrows, a music teacher and member of our Music Group, entertained us to a Desert Island Disks afternoon. Each participant was asked to send Irene a piece of music that they would like to hear and think about reasons for their choice. Irene found all the pieces of music and compered a wonderful afternoon. Katherine had learned how to spotlight on Zoom, so each person in turn had the spotlight! Members selected disks from romantic and childhood holidays, family favourites, their children’s performances, and other significant moments in their lives. An uplifting and enjoyable afternoon was had by all.
~The Elderberries ~
2nd February 2021
Anwen Hill, a volunteer from our knitting project, joined the Elderberries last year to give us a fascinating talk about her search for her ancestors, which took her to Trieste, Slovenia and Croatia. Anwen and her husband are great travellers and she agreed to give us another talk about her trip to Buenos Aires and Patagonia. Anwen is a Welsh speaker and she went to the Welsh speaking region of Patagonia, showing us pictures of the life that the Welsh immigrants had made there. Diolch yn fawr, Anwen!
~The Elderberries ~
26th January 2021
I ddathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen ar 25 Ionawr gofynnwyd i’r Aeron Aeddfed greu
cerdyn, het, teisen neu flodyn.
Siaradodd Jenni Jones-Annetts am Dwynwen ar Zoom am 1.30 Dydd Mawrth 26 Ionawr.
I ddathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen ar 25 Ionawr gofynnwyd i’r Aeron Aeddfed greu
cerdyn, het, teisen neu flodyn.
Siaradodd Jenni Jones-Annetts am Dwynwen ar Zoom am 1.30 Dydd Mawrth 26 Ionawr.
Dwynwen oedd merch Brychan oedd yn teyrnasu Brycheiniog yn y pumed ganrif. Roedd 24 merch gyda fe ond Dwynwen oedd yr harddaf. Roedd hi mewn cariad â’r Tywysog Maelon ond roedd ei thad wedi dewis dyn arall i Dwynwen. Mae un fersiwn o’r stori yn dweud cafodd Maelon ei droi yn lwmp o iâ am fethu derbyn gorchymyn Brychan. Rhedodd Dwynwen i ffwrdd. Fel roedd hi’n cysgu daeth angel a rhoi diod hud iddi i leddfu ei phoen. Hefyd cafodd dri dymuniad. Dewisodd ddadmer Maelon, byw fel lleian a gweddio am gariadon. Setlodd Dwynwen ar ynys oddi ar Ynys Môn a elwir Ynys Llanddwyn. Gellir gweld olion ei heglwys. Dwynwen yw Santes Cariadon Cymru, ffrindiau ac anifeiliaid tost. Ionawr 25 yw Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen.
Jenni Jones-Annetts
Blodyn wedi'i gwau
Jenni Jones-Annetts
Cerdyn a het - Marjorie Gray
Tudalen canol Irene
Cerdyn collage o Irene
a’i gŵr dros y blynyddoedd -
Irene Burrows
Poster - Katherine Hughes
Cerdyn - Marion Watts
Cerdyn a het - Sue Balch
Cerdyn - Lyn Elliot
~The Elderberries ~
19th January 2021
Author talk by Wayne David MP
On 19th January, Wayne David MP gave a talk about his book on Morgan Jones, a former MP of Caerphilly. Morgan Jones was imprisoned as a conscientious objector in World War I and as a result had a very hard time during and after the war. He was elected to Parliament in a by-election in 1921 and served until his death in 1939. Wayne, who is a Trustee of Caerphilly Miners Centre, as well as our MP and the author of Morgan Jones biography, gave an inspired talk. Some of the Elderberries already have a copy of the biography and we have since had feedback from several people that they are very much enjoying reading it.
~The Elderberries ~
12th January 2021
Marion Watts, one of our planning group had been given a pack of giant playing cards with which to run a ‘Play Your Cards Right!’ on 12th January. We had an enjoyable session. We were all feeling a bit down that day as Gael Humphrey’s funeral was the next day, the Covid-19 cases were still very high and we felt unsafe going to public places. Six of us went to the Crematorium and Marjorie and Jenni attended the service.
~The Elderberries ~
5th January 2021
On 5th January, Jane Marklew ran an ‘Interesting body parts’ cryptic quiz which got us all guessing. Jane was pleasantly surprised with our answers. We’re all feeling that we’re in for a long winter.