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Kohlrabi and Wax Beans

Growing up in Germany my parents owned a Kleingarten (small garden including a summer bungalow on the outskirts of the city) and I loved helping to grow and harvest all sorts of fruits, vegetables and herbs. I wanted my children to have the same experience and decided to also grow some vegetables that are customary in Germany but can‘t easily be purchased in the UK like Kohlrabi and Wax Beans.

Kohlrabi also known as German turnip is mild in flavour and grows in two colours, light green and purple. The bulb can be eaten raw and has a crispy crunchy texture similar to water chestnut. Both the bulb and young leaves can be cooked and are delicious served with new potatoes, fried egg and sauce Hollandaise.

Wax Beans or dwarf yellow french beans taste very similar to green beans but are milder in taste. They require cooking like green beans before consumption. I like mixing yellow and green beans to make an appetizing bean salad or bean soup but wax beans can also be eaten on their own.


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