Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
Easter 2020
At Easter I stayed out of harm’s way and went for a walk, which I want to share with my friends at the Miners. I can’t stress enough how important my daily walk has been in maintaining my well-being over the last month. The weather has been perfect, the birdsong is sublime, the green shoots remind me of new life and I feel free. Katherine
Week 4 of the lockdown
We asked our Volunteers to contribute to our Volunteer page with examples of things they have done recently – including things that they enjoyed doing in preparation for Easter (or even just to keep going). Here are some contributions:
I have been enjoying home baking. Watching the Chef James Martin as his recipes are great and easy to make. I use his welsh cakes recipe and his Yorkshire puddings are the biggest ever. I made toad in the hole on the weekend and it was enormous!!!
I had to have a new oven because my previous one was burning everything and I could not get a new thermostat. Good job I bought one just before lockdown. Am really enjoying cooking again, trying out new recipes. Some are healthy ones and some are not! Irene
Keeping my hand in now I have my Food Hygiene in Catering, hoping to volunteer in the Cafe as soon as is possible! Sheila
Today’s effort. Double chocolate small Welsh Cakes decorated with white chocolate eggs. Sadly, they’ve had to go into the freezer for a later date if they defrost successfully, we can have them with a cup of tea on an Elderberries Social afternoon. Shirley
Easter hen and eggs by Belinda
One of my gardening projects which I think could be useful in the sustainable garden project. I felt I needed a different level in the garden so my daughter and granddaughter helped me take up a garden path. We lined the fence with roofing felt to protect it then piled the rubble from the path in the corner. I packed grass turfs in, around and on top of it which I had from reshaping the lawn. Then covered it in earth. I planted Willow cuttings on the top - this has succeeded in binding it all together. I obtained rockery stones for free. The pictures show progress made from 2018 to date. Dawn