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Elderberries Online 2020

How we've supported the Elderberries during the pandemic


We've been supporting our Elderberries group with weekly Zoom meetings on Tuesday afternoons from June 2020.

Attendance at these meetings has ranged from 12 to 17 people. It has been a tremendous challenge for our Elderberries to get onto Zoom. Some people have had broadband problems, some have issues with their technology, but their determination to learn a new way of connecting has been really impressive. The first couple of sessions were a bit stressful for everyone, but now we're really enjoying the hour - it's something to look forward to and look back on with a smile.😀

~The Elderberries ~
29th December 2020

On 29th December Val Baynton ran a Kazoo music quiz which was highly entertaining.  It was lovely to catch up after Christmas.  Many of us had spent time on our own because of lockdown and we were looking forward to a better new year.   

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Elderberries - Christmas Party!
~22nd December 2020~
~15th December 2020~
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Firstly thank you everyone for participating in our Christmas songs hat activity last week.  We enjoyed:   We Three Kings, Adeste Fideles, It came upon a Midnight Clear, and also songs with bells, angels, and reindeer! The joining instructions for next week’s meeting are below and the link is at the bottom of the page. 


You are cordially invited to Irene’s singalong.  She has sent some song sheets to me.  I will put them on our ‘Screen share’ but if you would like to print them out you can. Could you also wear something Christmassy – Christmas jumper or dress – something to get you into festive mood and bring a mince pie and a drink!  As Suzanne is bringing her teddy along, we suggest that everyone brings a teddy if they would like to!  


Irene would like everyone to participate, so as well as bringing the words, would you also bring something to make a noise with.  Marion may play the piano. Geraint may play his harmonica. You may bring percussion instruments, your trumpet, saucepans or your voice.  


Irene, Marion, Marjorie and Katherine have all offered to read Christmas poems. The aim is to have a great time. 


Marjorie has very kindly made up some puzzles for you to do between Christmas and New Year.  I’ve sent them with this e-mail.  Answers on 29th December.


Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 1.30.  In the meantime enjoy your weekend.  Katherine

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~8th December 2020~

Present were: Marjorie, Marion, Lyn, Sue, Jenni, Andy, Geraint and Katherine.

We all shared the Christmas Trees that we made.  These will be put up on our website, together with Marion’s which are on WhatsApp.  There is still time to send in photos of the trees you have made.
I hope you are all well.  I spoke to Gael last evening; she is having nurses in 4 times a day and doesn’t think she’ll be back in the Miners again.  Her family are coming in but she is feeling wretched.  It’s hard to think how we can  help her, but can we discuss later. Very best wishes from Katherine.

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~1st December 2020~ 

We had an inspiring and interesting talk from Marjorie Gray about the Pilgrim Fathers who travelled on the Mayflower to Plymouth Massachusetts in 1660.  She also talked about the first Thanksgiving and about the Mayflower Compact on which the American Constitution is based.


In the centre were Marjorie, Margaret, Jenni, Gael and Katherine and on Zoom were Sue, Lynn, Marion, Andy and Irene. Thanks to Marjorie and everyone for taking part and sharing your week with others.  Quite a few people were not joining us in the centre and we have decided to meet only on Zoom for the month of December.   We are doing our best to ensure that as many people as possible can access on Zoom.

~24th November 2020~

At the Miners were Gael Humphries, Sue Balch, Margaret Jones, Dorothy Howells, Marjorie Gray, and Katherine Hughes
At home on Zoom were Lyn Elliott, Marion Watts, Jenni Jones Annetts, Liz Stanford, Andy Hepton and Joan Garratt.  

Gael Humphries had offered to read her poetry.  She had been to a poetry writing group and had written over many years.  There poems covered a wide range of subjects; some were serious and others funny. 

The Elderberries enjoyed the event and afterwards talked in turn about their experiences of the week before.  We’re all a bit fed up with the Covid restrictions, but are doing our best to keep going.  It was nice to see everyone.

On 1st December Marjorie Gray is going to talk about her trip to America during the Fall (autumn!) when she had the experience of Thanksgiving.  

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~17th November 2020~

Elderberries Session held on 17th November 2020 at the Miners and on Zoom
Attending at the Miners:  Dorothy Howells, Marjorie Gray, Sue Balch, Marion Watts and Katherine Hughes 
Attending on Zoom:  Irene Burrows, Liz Stanford, Lyn Elliott, Jane and Alan Marklew, Geraint King.

Making a Bird Feeder out of a Plastic Bottle

Marjorie Gray held a very interesting and pleasant event on how to make a birdfeeder out of a plastic bottle and pieces of recycled materials.  This would also be a suitable project for a children’s Climate Change or Gardening project.  

Dorothy Howells and Alan and Jane Marklew made the birdfeeders and everyone else watched.  


Our thanks go to Marjorie for giving us such an enjoyable afternoon.  

We also had time for a quick chat and an update on the plans for December.

Katherine Hughes
Nov 2020

Elderberries Planning Meeting
~16th November 2020~

Notes of Elderberries planning meeting 16 November 2020
Present: Marion, Marjorie, Sue, Geraint, Katherine.  Apologies Liz

1.    It was agreed that we should leave the outreach element of the Older People’s Wellbeing Project to the project team, leaving the group to concentrate on the Buddies Scheme and the Elderberries Social Events.

2.    Buddies scheme – 
a.    recirculate the list of the Elderberries, Cinema Group and the Chair Exercises, 
b.    confirm who is contacting whom (there may be gaps or minor changes)
c.    restart contacts that have been lost since the end of lockdown
d.    establish with everyone if there are other ways of connecting with them – e.g. do they have equipment & broadband and are they interested in Zoom.  Information to go to Geraint who will set up technology for anyone who wants it.

3.    Elderberries – 
a.    We need more members and especially better attendance
b.    Need to connect with those people who haven’t attended and ask what they’d like from the Elderberries
c.    Programme needs to be varied and entertaining.

17 November:  Marjorie will demonstrate how to make a bird feeder

24 November:  Gael poetry reading (this can be swapped with Marjorie’s talk on Thanksgiving in America if Gael is not up to it). Need to set Gael up with IT connectivity.

1 December:  Gael or Marjorie

8 December:  Christmas Trees celebration and Christmas Quiz

15 December:  Christmas Hats – based on carol or Christmas song and Christmas poems or another quiz 

22 December: Christmas Party on Zoom – Irene has offered to sing for us and maybe a couple of poems / readings and Geraint will play the harmonica

29th December: Christmas on Zoom – Traditional games and Val entertaining?  

Other things to note:

•    We have some funds to pay for sessional payments for speakers, tutors and entertainment
•    Elderberries have had a thank you card from Shirley Page for her 80th birthday.  Thanks to Lyn for organising the card and flowers
•    We’re thinking of having Ukulele session(s) with Wendy Williams after Christmas
•    Katherine not keeping a weekly diary anymore.  

Thanks to the Marion, Marjorie, Sue, Liz and Geraint for keeping our Elderberries going!
17 November 2020

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