Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
Children's Climate Change Project
3 - 5 yrs (Foundation)
We were amazed when we first publicised our National Lottery Community Funded climate change garden project onto Facebook - on Wed 7th April, that we would receive such an overwhelming demand for spaces! We were overly subscribed with over 70 people wanting one of the 24 places. We then decided to set up two groups, one for the foundation phase (3-5 yrs) and the other for juniors (age 5+ yrs).
The foundation group #Letsgrowtogether workshops are funded by DS Smith, will contain more of a craft element and start from Sat 12th June.
Ideally we'd like to set up a gardening club/ group with the same children coming to all 15 workshops but this isn't always practical. Parents were contacted and asked to confirm which workshops they could attend and if there were any gaps then spaces could be allocated to the children on our waiting list. This is the fairest way of doing things so children on the waiting list are given the chance to come.
Children aged 3 - 5 yrs will be able to attend 15 free gardening workshops, led by Amie Locke. They're designed to promote the values of sustainable living through growing vegetables and the vital role that pollinators play in producing our food. As well as enjoyable gardening activities at our Centre’s climate change garden, the children will be able to take a fun activity pack home to complete. Also included is a recipe card in the pack to promote healthy eating which has been provided by Cardiff resident, Michael Bell - a Brand Marketing manager and food writer (see his website). The gardening workshops will run from 12th June to 29th January 2022, on the second Saturday of every month during term time and weekly on Thursday mornings 10.30 - 12.30 during school holidays. If the weather is poor a takeaway option is available.
Notice for participants of the Saturday and Holiday Gardening Plant and Grow Workshops
As many of you know we are running a programme of gardening and craft activities monthly at weekends during term times and weekly during school holidays.
We hope that the children are enjoying the sessions and will continue to ‘plant and grow’. At the last junior session, we had to turn away disappointed children from the event and we want to avoid this.
These workshops have an educational element and one of the outcomes is to get children more involved in gardening and growing food. We are giving priority to children who can consistently attend over the life of the project over those who wish to attend one session only.
There are over 60 children on the register and a total of 26 children can attend each event. As we have more children than spaces, there isn’t room for everyone to register for each session and there are no guarantees that children will be able to attend all the sessions. We want to ensure that all sessions are full. We also have to abide by Covid restrictions – which necessitate everyone attending being booked in in advance.
To maximise coverage, we are applying the following rules:
Only those people on the session register will be able to attend the event. The register will be filled initially from people who attended the last event. If additional spaces are available the register will be opened to others on the list, with those who gave notice of non-attendance at the top of the list and ‘no-shows’ at the bottom.
The register will be open 8 days before each session and participants will be given 4 days to respond on a first come basis. They will be informed 3 days before each session that they have a place.
We are currently planning for the weekly summer holiday events on Wednesdays and Thursdays and will be extending the register as not everyone from the Saturday workshops can attend.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the parents who have worked with us to ensure that these are enjoyable, fulfilling and worthwhile events.
Our thirteenth gardening event - Wildlife Care is on Sat 13 November,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our twelfth gardening event - Halloween is on Thurs 28 October,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Free Recipe Card
A healthy recipe card for Pumpkin soup can be found inside your eco bag provided by Michael Bell - https://mikeyandthekitchen.com
This recipe has been provided by Michael Bell - a Brand Marketing manager and food writer.
Click here for the Pumpkin soup recipe.
Our eleventh gardening event - Vampires and Garlic is on Sat 9th October,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our tenth gardening event - Autumn Themed 'Trees' is on Saturday 11th September, 10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our ninth gardening event - Mini Beast is on Thursday 26th August,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our eighth gardening event - Butterfly Garden is on Thursday 19th August, 10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our seventh gardening event - Sensory Garden is on Saturday 14th August,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Free Recipe Card
A healthy recipe card for Pesto can be found inside your eco bag provided by Michael Bell - https://mikeyandthekitchen.com
This recipe has been provided by Michael Bell - a Brand Marketing manager and food writer.
Click here for the recipe.
Our sixth gardening event - Pizza Garden is on Thursday 12th August,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our fifth gardening event - Super Salads is on Thursday 5th August,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our fourth gardening event - Oriental garden is on Thurs 29th July,
10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Our third gardening event - Save our Seas/ Finding Nemo is on Thurs 22nd July,
10.30 - 12.30
This was a takeaway event due to bad weather so no event video could be made
Our next gardening workshop - Winnie the Pooh on Sat 10th July, 10.30 - 12.30
On the day of the event
Free Recipe Card
Parsnip Muffins with Ginger & Orange Cream Cheese Frosting (+ Parsnip Top & Hazelnut Pesto)
This recipe has been provided by Michael Bell - a Brand Marketing manager and food writer. (see website)
For the recipe please click here