Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
The Knitting Project 2020
~Quotes from the Knitters and the Beneficiaries~
Meet the Knitting Team and their Quotes
Sue Williams Hengoed
It’s a great project for bringing the community together and good for people to have something to do. I’m early retired and have always enjoyed making things. It’s nice to finish a project and give people years of pleasure. It’s nice that other people appreciate your work. It’s also good for you – I’ve got arthritis and this keeps me mobile. It also keeps your mind occupied.
Leanne Stone, Caerphilly
Joined the project over the National Firebreak. Lives in Caerphilly.
Moira Thompson
"When asked if I could help with finishing off these blankets I jumped at the chance as it was not only something that would benefit others, but it would also help fill up my time with something that had a real purpose." Moira and Leanne are neighbours.
Evelyn Clarke
She has crocheted 4 blankets. She will do more as needed and plans to keep in touch.
Lindsay Neal, Steward
Has been involved in knitting and crocheting. “Before 2020 the last time I did any crafts of any sort was probably before the birth of my son who is now 25 years old. During Lockdown I was lucky to be able to work from home but still found it very hard not being able to spend time with family and friends. I believe that my crafts kept my mental well-being, giving me a much needed focus. Since becoming a part of the excellent team at the Miners Centre I’m very proud to have been a part of the blanket project, and I hope our blankets will give a measure of comfort to those who need it most.”
Megan Williams
From Penyrheol and our youngest knitter. She hasn’t been crocheting for very long, but still managed to crochet a lovely blanket together.
Sheila Hopkins
Has crocheted 4 blankets. Member of Craft and Chat group. Being able to take part in the project helped her mental health during the pandemic.
Marion Watts
Has knitted a whole blanket and additional rectangles. “This project has given us something to do during lockdown and filled our time with good purpose. It’s nice to be able to do some good for people in need in the community.”
Ruth Starr
Part of our Chair Exercises team and Gardening Group. Ruth has knitted rectangles and crocheted the rectangles together. “Despite the sadness felt that so many blankets are needed by so many it has been a pleasure to work on providing them. To feel we are doing something useful while keeping ourselves busy in these strange times has been helpful to both us and the recipients.”
Joan Kerswell, aged 87
Has knitted 2 beautiful blankets, which we will be giving to two of our older isolated people. She has knitted all her life was glad to knit for us during the lockdown.
This was made by Mrs Joan Kerswell on the right and crocheted by Mrs Ruth Starr on the left. They're both members of the Chair Exercise class.
Joan is her late 80s. Knitting has got her though this pandemic.
Mandy Silver
“So glad the rectangles are going to worthwhile causes. It’s so lovely to be part of a worthwhile community.”
Dorothy Howells
Has knitted 50+ rectangles.
Dawn Cole
Has knitted and crocheted blankets. "This project by the Miners to help others by knitting rectangles and subsequently crocheting into blankets has lessened my stress levels and made me feel useful during this traumatic time."
Winnie Reid
She has put together 21 large blankets and labelled 45. She has sewn 39 blankets together over the past 5 years and is retiring in February!
Thank you Winnie for all of your hard work over the last 5 years!
Christine Powell and her friends from Abertysswg Sheltered scheme
They have knitted squares plus 20 blankets. They got involved in October and we have been in touch ever since.
“Few of us in an OAP complex before Covid had craft class, some of us did blankets wondering if you would like us to make some as we do have a few already made. We are all stuck with Covid so it gives us something to carry on with”.
Anwen Hill
Became part of our knitting project in the summer. Lives up the Rhymney Valley. “Being part of this project during such unprecedented times was an opportunity to focus on a very practical activity. Not only was it beneficial in creating blankets for others to enjoy but also gave me a sense of purpose and satisfaction in contributing to the wider community.”
Lynda Hawkins
Joined in the summer. She has knitted lots of rectangles. She will bring in the next batch in the new year.
All 44 blankets sealed in bags with ribbon ready for the handover!
The Handover
~Tues 8th December~
A total of 44 blankets have been knitted by more than 30 volunteers, aged between 18 and 87, from across Caerphilly County Borough. The picture below shows some of the knitters involved in the project and the beneficiaries including: Llamau - Women's refuge, United Welsh Connect project and CCBC Sheltered housing scheme. Hefin David AM/MS Member of the Senedd of Caerphilly was present to handover the blankets to the beneficiaries.
Hefin David AM/MS & Katherine holding a blanket
Hefin David AM/MS handing over a blanket to
Karen Hayes - Llamau
Katherine and Hefin David AM/MS holding a blanket over Dorothy Tilley's memorial bench
Haydn Stanley from United Welsh receives his blankets
Who benefited from receiving the blankets?
Well you're probably wondering who exactly was lucky enough to receive the gorgeous blankets that took many hours of hard work to create!?
Well here's a list of the Beneficiaries with quotes:-
Llamau (Women’s refuges): Karen Hayes
Llamau’s refuges provide support for 28 families at a time across Caerphilly and will receive 28 blankets
Dear Katherine and all at Caerphilly Miners Centre
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all so very very much for the hand knitted blankets you have given us for women in our refuges in the borough.
Our women and children have been through so much trauma on their journey to arrive at refuge, this gift will remind them that, despite all the terrible experiences they have endured, there are people out there who are thinking of them and thinking of ways to bring a little cheer and thoughtfulness into their lives. Each square represents a person thinking about domestic abuse and the impact it is having on people in our communities, especially during lockdown. Each person who thinks about domestic abuse and its terrible impact is another step in making everybody aware of it and ending it once and for all. Each square represents a stranger thinking about other strangers who are suffering and this is a very powerful symbol of support and empathy.
This gift will mean a great deal to women and families who are in the most difficult and uncertain times at the moment and will hopefully bring them a little comfort. Once again Thank you.
Haydn Stanley, United Welsh Connect Project.
Caerphilly Miners Centre is working in partnership working with United Welsh as part of its tackling older people’s isolation project part funded by GAVO.
CCBC Sheltered Housing Scheme (Victoria Roper)
We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to the Caerphilly Miners Centre for the beautiful handmade blankets which were jointly created by their Elderberry volunteers and our sheltered housing tenants. Our sheltered housing tenants thoroughly enjoyed knitting and crocheting the squares which were delivered to the Centre so that the Elderberry volunteers could sew them together and add the beautiful finishing touches.
The project has created significant positivity amongst those tenants who participated and we have received comments that being able to focus on knitting has helped them through a very difficult time.
The blankets will provide our tenants with comfort and warmth over the colder winter months and they can enjoy them knowing that they have been handmade with dedication and love.
We look forward to continuing our partnership working with Caerphilly Miners Centre to further progress the blanket project and to develop some new and exciting projects for our tenants to enjoy.