Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
Our Staff & Volunteers
We have some part time staff at the Centre and seek to support local employment. However, as a community focussed and led charity we are heavily reliant on our volunteers. We are always looking for people who can give their time or expertise to support the work we do. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.
Our Volunteers
Rob Bleach, Geoff Dunn, Yvonne Fidler, Katherine Hughes, Derek Jenkins, Ann Lewis,
Catering team (supporting the café, catering events and projects):
Kate Allardyce, Glenda Burnett, Sheila Hopkins, Katherine Hughes, Christine Jasper, Sue Masters, Karen Masters, Stephen Nash, Avril Owen, Liz Paull, Simon Phillips, Rhiannon Rees, Theresa Rees, Shirley Williams, Bekki Evans,
Caerphilly Repair Café:
Chris Cooper, Katherine Hughes, Jenni Jones-Annetts, Louise Kenyon, Ann Lewis, Chris Shawyer,
Music group:
Irene Burrows, Jayne David, Katherine Hughes, Louise Kenyon, Rikki Pullen, Marion Watts.
Children’s Crafts:
Val Baynton, Chris Cooper, Neelie Davies, Natasha Gittings, Sheila Hopkins, Katherine Hughes, Jenni Jones-Annetts, Louise Kenyon, Ann Lewis, Amie Morgan, Liz Paull, Simon Phillips, Doreen Pope, Christine Shawyer, Belinda Snow, Sarah Warr, Marion Watts, Kairen West, Jemma West.
Sue Balch, Katherine Hughes, Jenni Jones Annetts, Carlos Maza, Liz Stanford, Kath Virgo, Marion Watts, Shirley Williams.
Gardening group:
Ruth Starr, Sue and Colin Balch, Alison Banks, Dawn Cole, Geoff Dunn, Yvonne Fidler, Katherine Hughes Louise Kenyon, Ann Lewis, Chris O’Meara, Simon Phillips.
Welsh Group:
Ann Lewis, Nia Parsons, John Lloyd, Lowri Jones, Jenni Jones-Annetts.
Alison Banks, Dawn Cole, Chris Shawyer.
Marketing Group:
Mari Arthur, Lauren Cripps, Katherine Hughes, Sinead Kirwan, Ann Lewis, Belinda Snow.
Building Group:
Colin Balch, Rob Bleach, Stuart Elliott, Katherine Hughes
School Ambassadors / Youth Forum: Ann Lewis, Katherine Hughes, Amie Morgan
Craft and Chat:
Neelie Davies, Sheila Hopkins, Winnie Reid, Belinda Snow
Chair Exercises:
Ruth Starr, Katherine Hughes.