Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
What volunteering means for me
Volunteers have given their time to our project and we want to do our best to support them during these challenging times.
We have kept in touch with our volunteers, who range in age from 18 to 86 and come from all walks of life.
We asked them to tell us what volunteering means for them.
Being new to the area, volunteering at the Miners introduced me to a great bunch of people and gave me a much-needed purpose. Kate
The Centre has given me the opportunity to meet and work alongside lovely interesting and kind people, who have shared stories, made me laugh and inspired me. I have been able to enjoy and apply new skills and learning from volunteer courses. Liz
I have been volunteering for The Miners almost since the project first began. The support & friendship during these last very difficult years from fellow volunteers has been wonderful & much appreciated. Marion
The centre is very important to me as I was born in the Miners hospital 23 years ago, and volunteering there allows me to feel part of my community. Sinead
The enjoyable activities (Soirées, Dance classes, Gardening group) held at the Miners helped me to integrate into the community when I moved here after living in Devon all my life. I then got drawn into volunteering to help keep the Centre going. I have met some lovely caring people. Being widowed and moving to a new area the Miner’s Centre has made me feel more than welcome in Wales. Dawn
Volunteering has given me the invaluable opportunity to provide and support Welsh language activities within my local community for children, young people and adults. It has been a fruitful and worthwhile experience which has given me the chance to meet and to socialise with new friends within my community, thus enriching my life. Nia
The miners has given me a sense of belonging and community. It has showed me kindness and I have met and made friends with people who I may not usually cross paths with. Thank you! Neelie
I’ve met many people from all walks of life, been involved in some inspirational projects, and shared in a collective endeavour to make our community a great place to live in. Volunteering has carried me through some difficult times and given me a reason to cherish each day. Katherine
I've hugely benefited from volunteering as it’s given me a a good distraction from my health problems. It's also good to know that I'm giving something back to the community and I very much appreciate being part of a kind, helpful and supportive team. Belinda
Having mobility problems and depression is not a good combination, but after I was introduced to the Craft Group, these problems aren't such a problem any more! Sheila
I offered to help with gardening club as I love gardening. I've found it so nice to work at these tasks with like-minded people. The volunteering for the exercise class came about because a need arose after the leader had to finish. I enjoy meeting the ladies, we work hard and have a laugh too. It is good to be able to fill a need even though I am retired. We're never too old to learn new things!! And it is good to be needed. Ruth
So many fabulous people. Stephen
What you have told us ...
I’m a new volunteer and just taken my Food Hygiene course so I could help with catering, functions and anything else I’m asked to do. I look forward to many years of happiness with the Miners. Susan
I started attending the Stay & Play group when my twins were 6 months old and then started volunteering just after they turned one. This was a great opportunity for me as I missed working as a teacher. In March 2018 I started up a Welsh speaking playgroup, Glowyr Bach. Both playgroups are very successful. Even though my twins are now at nursery school I continue to run the sessions as I have truly made some lovely friends and feel like I am contributing to our community. Tasha
The centre is a wonderful hub for our community offering a range of activities events and social gathering for all. It gives its visitors old and new a warm welcome and the team of volunteers that keep this project afloat are worth their weight in gold. I have gained so much experience and confidence from helping to run events in the past at the centre. I am forever grateful to have been a part of such a fantastic team. Diolch. Amie
When the Miners closed, I felt the sadness at losing a valuable community asset that everyone treasured. When it became apparent that Beeches House might be saved for the community, I immediately became interested and supported the idea. I like meeting new people it gives me the opportunity to form new friendships and companionships. Successful fund raising gives great satisfaction to volunteers , it makes their efforts worthwhile as helps the Centre achieve its goals for the benefit of the community. Shirley
My Blog on Volunteering
I volunteer in Admin and Marketing and find it thoroughly enjoyable. I’m part of a fantastic team consisting of 4 members who are Mari, Sinead, Katherine and myself. We hold regular meetings to discuss event planning, projects and new & upcoming developments to our Centre. I enjoy attending the meetings and learning the procedures of how best to market them with help and guidance from our professional Marketing Consultant Mari. It’s also an opportunity to contribute my own ideas and suggestions. We’ve updated our website recently with activities to do from home and to promote the wonderful work of our volunteers. This is to help support the community during the pandemic of Covid-19. I’ve recently received some Wix platform training from Mari so I’m now able to edit and add content to our website which I find both challenging and rewarding. I enjoy learning new skills and look forward to new learning opportunities in the future. I also run our Facebook page with Katherine and help deal with messages from the public. Its been highly beneficial volunteering for the Miner’s Centre as it has improved my wellbeing and I know I’m helping to support our community.
Belinda Snow
My Blog on Volunteering
I have lived in Caerphilly all of my life and was born at Caerphilly Miners Hospital in 1996.
The Centre is an important part of the history of Caerphilly and holds a special place in many people’s hearts. In February 2020 I joined the Marketing Team as a Social Media and Marketing Volunteer. My role is to manage the Instagram page to promote the Centre’s profile and the variety of classes and workshops that are available to the public. Through my role I have learnt new skills and developed a better understanding on how to use different marketing techniques to generate more exposure for the Centre.
I am grateful to work with an incredible team where I feel supported and encouraged to share my thoughts and ideas. I enjoy this role as it gives me the opportunity to give back and makes me feel like a valued member of my community.
Sinead Kirwan
My Blog on Volunteering
Volunteering for the Miners has kept me occupied over lockdown!
I’ve been a volunteer for 25 years starting with Rainbows, the Caerphilly Woodlands Trust, Ty Hafan and now with Caerphilly Miners. Volunteering has helped me through recent redundancy and unemployment. I joined CMCC in February 2020 as a temporary Volunteer Co-ordinator. Whilst the centre is closed, I have continued to volunteer remotely. I’ve been to meetings of the Gardening Group, got involved with growing herbs and sourcing manure and compost bins. I’ve also had Zoom meetings with the catering group and joined an admin group.
As a volunteer, I attended free courses in Food Hygiene Level Two and Health and Safety at Work Level Two in March. I’m really looking forward to being able to put my skills into practice. It’s great being part of a team, being appreciated and having something to offer.
If you’d like to join the Miners as a volunteer, e-mail secretary@caerphillyminerscentre.org.uk and ask for an application form.
Avril Owen