Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
The Children's Homegrown Veggies!
The children who attended our gardening workshops enjoyed the fun planting activities. They planted seeds in eco friendly pots to take home and nurture. They were excited to see their seeds grow and develop into scrumptious vegetables and below are some of their fabulous efforts.
Look what can grow from a tiny seed!
Poppy's Sunflowers, peas & turnips
Sophie and Chloe's peas
Kesia's radish, cress & cornflowers
Jodie B's childrens' potatoes
Pansies 2
The children who attended our gardening workshops planted vegetables, fruit and flowers at our Centre with amazing results! Well done everybody!
The children's beautiful climate change garden.
What an amazing communal effort.
Children's garden 1
Children's garden 2
Children's garden 3
Children's garden 1