Our vision is of a place where local people of all ages can come together, feel part of our community, learn from each other and celebrate our remarkable heritage.
We want to give the Caerphilly Miners back to the community!
Craft Wall
Our craft groups have shared some of their creations as inspiration. Please get n touch to find out more about our craft class, and things you can do from home until our doors open again.
Craft Wall
Stay and Play Children's Playgroup
Our children’s playgroups have merged during Covid as there was a high demand for spaces.
They’re currently running on Wed, Thur and Fri 9.30 - 11.30am and you need to book.
It’s £3 per family.
Our play sessions are held outside in the gazebo until 17th May.
These sessions are slightly different at the moment. It’s mainly a chance for children to have a bit of free play and for them and their carers to socialise. There is music time play towards the end.
For up to date information, booking and enquiries please see our Stay and Play FB page.
Stay and Play is a children’s playgroup for the Under 3’s and is run by Tasha Gittings.
Normally runs on Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30am.
Only £3 per family.
Fun activities include free play and song time with occasional crafts (especially for special events like Mother’s Day and Easter etc).
Each session includes::
*Free play
*Arts & crafts
*Song time
We also normally provide snacks for children like toast, fruit and hot drinks for carers.
For up to date information, booking and enquiries please see our Stay and Play FB page.